The Myspace angle
Today I uploaded some images to MySpace, and I noticed one of them had the Myspace angle. You guys know what this is. It's when you hold your camera over your head and you're like "hey, what's up, ahahah!" or if you wear tight jeans you're like "oh, I'm so sad! The world is damned and dark!". But I don't call it the MySpace angle, I call it the lonliest angle ever, because there's never a really cool story behind it, like "yeah, so I ran into Shaque' and he was like "hey, let's take MySpace-pictures!", the tall bastard. No, you're at home, alone, depressed about life, eating onion rings. Beacuse your'e never happy when you're eating onion rings. You're never like "yeah, we won! Get some onion rings!". No, you're like "oh man, my dog died...are those onion rings?".
-Philip De Franco.
-Philip De Franco.